
Pivot back into business by letting your audiences know what you’re doing to deal with Covid-19. Show and tell what you are actually doing to alleviate the Covid-19 situation. That’s where Graphic Granola’s own Pandemic Pivot steps in. We’ll take your specific Pandemic Pivot message(s) and help you spread it across social media, with your own visual branding.


Graphic Granola’s Pandemic Pivot Package


3 Social Media Platforms + 3 Different Messages

Choose up to 3 different social media platforms with 3 different messages to let your audience know what you’re doing to alleviate the Covid-19 pandemic.


With Your Visual Branding

You just supply us with your logo, brand colors, and any other brand elements you have, and we’ll craft your graphics to reflect your established visual branding.


In a Discounted Package

That’s 9 different branded graphics to publicize your own PANDEMIC PIVOT all over social media, altogether for a package rate of only $500 (valued over $1,000).